It’s Time To Switch To Natural Deodorant.

What about the Sweat?

Natural Deodorant is not an antiperspirant. But that’s what makes it great!  Antiperspirants are chemicals such as aluminum and parabens that block the release of sweat. If you’ve ever had a swollen knot under your arm,  that was a swollen lymph node trying to fight off infection. We actually need to sweat to release toxins. However, all is not lost, natural starches such as Tapioca and Arrowroot absorb and control moisture; while clay such as Bentonite draw out toxins. Upon switching to natural deodorant at first your body will sweat more until it releases stored up toxins, but once the body resets, it will sweat less. 

What about the Odor?

Stinky Odor is caused when the released sweat mixes with bacteria. Kill the bacteria and voila! No smell! Natural antibacterial and disinfectant ingredients such as coconut oil, baking soda, clay, and essential oils solve said problem. The same bacteria is usually the culprit of gross sweat stains.

The Transition:

The chemical differences in each person makes it difficult to find one natural deodorant that works for everyone. However, to give your deodorant a fighting chance  some people have found it helpful to exfoliate and detox their armpits. To detox, try pre-wiping armpits with apple cider vinegar diluted with part water before applying deodorant. Continue pre-wiping for approximately 10 days.

The Benefits:

  • Unclogged Pores

  • Smoother, less irritated armpits

  • Less discoloration

  • Less shirt stains

  • Fight Cancer and Alzheimer’s

  • Less irritation = a closer shave

Key ingredients in Kimberley Rose all natural Deodorant:

  • Coconut oil- antibacterial, anti-fungal, soothing emollient

  • Bentonite Clay- detox, draws out toxins when wet

  • Zinc Oxide- Rash prevention, sunscreen, heals, and fades discoloration

  • Baking soda- disinfectant, deodorizer

  • Tea Tree- antibacterial, anti-fungal

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